International Paralympic Committee features TetraSki
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has released its latest “Chasing Greatness” video, featuring Tetradapt’s innovative, adaptive alpine ski, the TetraSki, developed at the University of Utah.
Crews from the IPC filmed the TetraSki in action last winter as it made its European debut to athletes who demoed the ski during the 2019 World Para Alpine Skiing Championships. IPC’s TetraSki video has garnered more than 400,000 views on Twitter.
Interviewed in the IPC video are Jeffrey Rosenbluth, Tetradapt Founder and Developer, Tanja Kari, TRAILS Program Coordinator and Paralympic cross-country skier, and Ross Imburgia, Lead TetraSki Engineer.
The IPC's influence and messaging is powerful in the world of sport and culture, said Kari. “To have the IPC recognize and share the story of the TetraSki and its innovation is huge. It recognizes we are pushing a cultural shift around the potential for independence and achievement after complex physical disability.
“The Paralympic Games positively changes the perception of how athletes and individuals with disability are viewed around the world – we’ve witnessed this movement changing cultures – something that in my mind is one of the hardest things to do.”
Contact Us if you’re interested in viewing the TetraSki in action or would like to try it out.